Previously on Lost
Missing Pieces Episode 3

The Adventures of Hurley and Frogurt

May 14th, 2008 - Comments Off on The Adventures of Hurley and Frogurt

Ahh Frogurt, mentioned so often in the official podcasts, but thankfully not seen in the show itself very often.

Hurley is sneaking away from a tent on the beach when he’s confronted by Neil aka ‘Frogurt’ (can’t recall why he’s called Frogurt off the top of my head though). Hurley is a little startled and drops a bottle of wine that he’s just “borrowed” from Rose and Bernard’s tent.

Neil questions Hurley about his intentions with Libby, and tells Hurley that he’s holding up the line and he should step aside an let someone else step up. Hurley reveals that the reason he has got the wine is that he’s on his way to meet up with Libby, and that “she’s bringing the blankets”…

So it’s fairly clear when this little snippet took place, it was when Hurley and Libby were getting prepared for their ‘date’, Hurley said he’d get the wine and Libby went back to the hatch to get some blankets. She got the blankets, but she also witnessed Michael shooting Ana-Lucia, and in what I think was probably a reflex action Michael shot her as well when she walked in.

Missing Pieces Episode 1

King of the Castle

May 13th, 2008 - Comments Off on King of the Castle

Ok, so its been more than two months. Yes, I’m a bit lazy. I’m going to try and get through some of the “Missing Pieces” mini-episodes that ran in the break between seasons 3 and 4. I’m even going to include the videos (since they are short) because I know most of you didn’t watch them.

Jack and Ben are playing chess, Ben tells Jack that he “fully intends” to keep his promise (to let Jack and Juliet leave the island). Jack questions what he means, Ben tells him that if the Island doesn’t want them to leave that it won’t let them. Jack jokes “what? the island going to sink the sub?”, Ben reassures Jack that he won’t do anything to stop them from going home.

The most interesting point, is that Ben says to Jack that while he may leave the Island the day may come when he wants to return (which the season 3 finale confirms). Ben advises Jack that when that day comes, that he remember this conversation.

Nothing too fascinating revealed in this one, other than Ben seems happy to honour his deal with Jack (and Juliet) “as long as the island lets him”. Locke blew up the sub because the island told him to, so I guess Ben was right, whether or not he himself would have ended up doing something to prevent them leaving we may never know.

Season 4, Episode 4


March 6th, 2008 - Comments Off on Eggtown

The episode begins with Locke cooking up some food which he takes down to Ben, who is now in the basement of the house Locke is living in. I guess this is/was probably Ben’s house, although I don’t know if its been mentioned or not. Locke tells Ben that they are the last two eggs, not sure why, is he trying to trick Ben. Ben has a go at Locke in an attempt to psych him out, it works and he definitely hits a nerve with Locke, who storms out taking the eggs with him.

Before we head off on the first flashforward, Sawyer is talking with Kate and asks her why she stayed, little elaboration is given. Now in the flashforward, Kate arrives to a rather large media frenzy, where is she arriving…a court house. In court one of the Lawyers rattles off the list of felonies for which she is being tried. I don’t think there was anything too surprising in there, I’d say we’ve probably seen just about all her crimes. Fraud, arson, armed robbery, theft, murder…you know the usual. Kate enters her plea of not guilty (even though she couldn’t be any more guilty if she tried), and when the prosecution try to have her remanded in custody because she’s a flight risk, Kate’s lawyer protests stating that she has on of the most recognisable faces in the world and is not a risk.
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Season 4, Episode 3

The Economist

February 25th, 2008 - Comments Off on The Economist

This week’s contestant on the magical mystery ride that is Lost is Sayid. He’s won a golfing holiday and a new job.

The opening sequence sees Sayid meditating, or something like that, before getting up and walking toward Naomi’s body where he puts his hand over her eyes and closes her eyelids. Why they hadn’t already done that I’m not sure. He removes a bracelet that she was wearing, on the inside is an inscription which reads “N, I’ll always be with you. R.G.”. This begs the question who is R.G., and how are they connected.

To the first ‘flash’ of the episode, and we see Sayid playing golf when he is approached my a man. After a brief talk Sayid reveals to this man that he was the recipient of a large amount of compensation, from a plane crash, and that he is one of the Oceanic 6, instantly this guy looks worried, why? As the man goes to leave Sayid calls out to him by name, “Mr Avellino”, and as he turns around Sayid shoots him and then leaves. Seemingly Sayid has gone bad since leaving the island, but why? And who exactly was Mr Avellino and why did Sayid kill him?
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Season 4, Episode 2

Confirmed Dead

February 19th, 2008 - Comments Off on Confirmed Dead

Better late than never, but sometime you can not help these things. Onwards. The Losties all 324 of them are confirmed dead…really? but…but?

We open with a familiar scene to anyone who was following the Fund 815 ARG in the lead up to the premiere, we see two remotely operated vehicles (ROV) searching for something in the depths of the ocean. Low and behold what do they find but the wreckage of Oceanic 815 at the bottom of a trench.

There are a couple of inconsistencies between the way it played out in this episode and how it played out in Find815, but I think thats probably something to do with them being produced separately. After all they do say that it was the crew of the Christiane 1 that found it, so that fits, but in Find 815 there was only one ROV. At least I’m pretty sure there was.
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Season 4, Episode 1

The Beginning of the End

February 9th, 2008 - Comments Off on The Beginning of the End

So Lost has finally returned, and now that the first episode has aired here in Australia I can fairly safely share my thoughts without spoiling things. This will be the case each week, so effectively I’ll be a week behind with my theorisations.

I don’t know about everyone else but I almost instantly picked up that it was Jack who was watching the TV at the beginning. Not sure why, maybe it was that he was having some sort of alcoholic drink early in the morning, or maybe because up to this point all season premieres had revolved around Jack.
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Season 3, Episode 23

Through the looking glass

February 8th, 2008 - Comments Off on Through the looking glass

…and before the beginning of the end.

So last week on the night before the premiere I figured it was worth jumping ahead in my “re-watching” to the season 3 finale. I’m going to summarise it all in a single post, some of the more interesting points might get their own post later on. I will also being doing similar summary posts for each episode in season 4, as opposed to the individual tidbits for the older episodes. Enough talk. In no particular order.

When Walt appears, looking down at Locke, he tells Locke he must get up “because you have work to do”, this is an interesting tie-in with the finale mobisode (review coming) in which Christian Shephard says “he has work to do” in reference to Jack.
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