Flash Forward
Season 6

The Lost Supper

January 5th, 2010 - Comments Off on The Lost Supper

The Season 6 ‘group photo’ has been set up in a parody of the ‘The Last Supper’. There were two versions released, one with the characters in poses mimicking the original (below), and a second (link below first image) with all the characters just looking towards the camera (not as interesting but still cool).

Click to view alternate version of group photo.

If you’re curious about what clues may (or may not) be hidden in the way the image has been constructed then you should definitely have a read through this post on docarzt.com. Its a pretty comprehensive write-up comparing the Lost version to the famous painting, it covers everything from the placement and position of certain characters to what they are wearing, who they are looking at, the props placed around or near them. There are also some comparisons to similar ‘Last Supper’-themed promo photos used for other TV shows in the past. After all this is Lost, and as we seen in the past they rerely produce something like this without there being some sort of hidden meaning.

Group photo source: docarzt.com

Two free Lost wallpapers

January 5th, 2010 - Comments Off on Two free Lost wallpapers

As there is now less than a month until Season6 starts I’m working on a post about my favourite episodes, it was really difficult to narrow it down. But while I’m working on that I thought I’d share a couple of LOST wallpapers that I’ve put together, one featuring the four-toed statue, and one using the group shot from the season 6 poster.

Click on the images below to download the full res versions (1920 x 1200 pixels)

Lost Season 6 Wallpaper

Lost Four-toed Statue Wallpaper

Season 6

Official Season 6 Poster

November 18th, 2009 - Comments Off on Official Season 6 Poster

Here it is in all its glory, see click it to check out the massive version.

Official Lost Season 6 Poster

Season 6

While we wait for the official poster

July 28th, 2009 - Comments Off on While we wait for the official poster

I’m still searching everywhere I can think of in search of a good, clear version of the poster that was shown at Comic Con, but as yet I’ve had no luck. However, I did find this fan-created gem hiding in Flickr, very nice mix of the posters from seasons past.

Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/netmen2009/3763600381/

San Diego Comic Con 2009

Mysteries of the Universe-ity – Pre SDCC Panel

July 25th, 2009 - Comments Off on Mysteries of the Universe-ity – Pre SDCC Panel

Not too much longer left to wait until the LOST panel at this year’s San Diego Comic Con, I wonder what surprises Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse will have for us? There has been talk that they want to use their last appearance to give back to the fans, one such thing is they held a contest for fans to come up with a theme song for LOST. That could be ‘interesting’ but what we all really want it some info about the sixth and final season.

Its likely they’ll have a ‘special guest’ with them, last year it was Matthew Fox, the year before it was Harold Perrineau. Rumours have been circulating that it could even be Dominic Monaghan, that would be cool, we all miss Charlie, but I personally don’t think its likely. But then again we don’t really know what the 6th season is going to be about, remember that appears that they’ve just detonated a nuclear bomb on the island.

In the first couple of day of Comic Con a few Lost related things have popped up on the abc website. The first was the ‘Lost University’ site which I linked to here a couple of days back. It appears that it could be part of a new ARG to fill in the months until season 6, but no-one seems overly sure just yet. Lostpedia has compiled all the info off the site in one easy to read page, so I won’t bother duplicating it all here, but you can find out more about Lost University here.

Now another video has popped up, and it looks like its the first in a series of five videos to be released over the coming months. Titled ‘Mysteries of the Universe’, its been compiled to look like a 1970’s conspiracy documentary about secret societies. This first video doesn’t give too much away (you can watch it above), but any drip fed Lost info is a good thing. One thing to keep in mind though is that even if the content is ‘cool and interesting’ it doesn’t necessarily mean than the info is canon.

Hopefully we get teased with something cool at the last-ever Lost panel at SDCC.

Season 5, Episode 14

Our present, their past

May 2nd, 2009 - Comments Off on Our present, their past

It’s something that Miles has been trying to explain to Jack, Kate and Hurley since they arrived in 1977, but when Dan returned in “The Variable” he was able to explain it a little clearer for them (albeit in an crazy guy kind of way). What did he explain? Put simply, and this is just how I understand it, for the losties 1977 is their present (meaning they can die), for Dharma and the hostiles 1977 is their past (so in theory if they were still alive in 2007 they can’t die…yet).

However, and this is where even I get a little confused, those on the island that encounter the losties during that time in their past (both 1954 and 1977) still have memories of their meetings in 2007. For example, Charles Widmore tell Locke that he met him when he was just 17, yet Locke hasn’t aged a day since then. Locke tells him that its only been four days since they met, despite the meeting taking place in 1954. I’m not entirely sure how this works, is it similar to what Desmond experienced where he just woke up one day with this new memory. In other words, when did Charles remember remembering meeting Locke?

Then in “The Variable” Eloise is telling Charles that she had to send Dan back to the island knowing full well what would happen to him. She knows, because she remembers. How it is that she knows what happens to Dan on the island before she shoots him after she sends him to the island I’m still not sure (and yes, I’m aware the sentence didn’t make much sense). I can work it out in my mind, but couldn’t explain it in words if my life depended on it.

So, everything that the losties are doing in their “present” always happened in the hostiles past, it wasn’t necessarily the losties doing it but it did happen, for example Ben was probably always shot, and always healed by the hostiles, but in circumstances that didn’t involve the losties. Make sense? No? Didn’t think so.

Dan’s plan was based on his theory that he’d worked out the important ‘variables’ in the complex equation of time, and that these ‘variables’ are the people (not sure if he just meant the losties, or people in general). These people have free will etc etc and should be able to think for themselves, despite what they know, and be able to alter what happens in their future (in the case of the losties). But so far almost everything we’ve seen has really pointed towards time “course-correcting” no matter what the losties or anyone else does. The only thing that went against this was when Dan knocked on the hatch door and told Desmond to go and find Eloise, Des awoke with his ‘new’ memory of Dan that he seemingly didn’t have before.
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Season 5, Episode 1 and 2

So when is the Island?

January 25th, 2009 - Comments Off on So when is the Island?

This isn’t a full recap of the premiere, just a look at what on earth the island is doing, but before I begin if you haven’t watched both episodes from the season 5 premiere then stop reading now and come back after you have, I don’t want to be responsible for spoiling anything for you.

At the end of season 4 Ben turned the ‘donkey wheel’ and moved the island, to those aboard the helicopter it was simply there one moment and gone the next leaving them no option but to put the chopper down into the ocean, for Ben it resulted in him being transported from January 2005 on the Island to the middle of a Tunisian desert… in October 2005. But for those on the island the consequences appear to have been a little more severe.

As the bright light and loud noises dissipated Sawyer, Juliet and co found themselves still on the island but in a time before Flight 815 had crashed, the result being that they no longer had any of their shelter, food or other supplies that they’d been keeping at the beach. Sawyer points out to Juliet that the burning wreck of the freighter that they could see previously has now vanished. Dan arrives back at the island in the Zodiac, which he was on along with several other losties during the move and was brought along for the ride. He mentions something about “being inside the radius”, obviously both the freighter and the helicopter were outside this radius.

The ‘Island 5’TM (Sawyer, Juliet, Dan, Charlotte and Miles) head off to the hatch, on the way there the Dan explains that the Island is like a skipping record, and that they might have been dislodged from time. Before they get to the hatch the island ‘skips’ again, and when they arrive they find the hatch already imploded, in other words they’ve jumped forward again, but they don’t know how far. While standing looking over the imploded ruins of the hatch the island ‘skips’ again, taking them back again to a time before the hatch was found.
Continue reading So when is the Island? →

Will the real Marvin Candle please stand up

January 4th, 2009 - Comments Off on Will the real Marvin Candle please stand up

This video was presented during the LOST panel at Comic-Con 2008, shot by Dan Bronson, one of the participants in the the Dharma recruitment drive that was running during the convention, and shows what is supposedly classified top secret footage of the man we previously knew as Dr Marvin Candle/Edgar Halliwax/Mark Wickmund etc etc. The video is introduced by Hans van Eeghen (who was also part of the ARG that started are Comic-Con). I’m going to look at this in two parts, first a recap of the video, second some theories about what it means.

The Video

Chang sits down and begins to introduce himself as Dr Marvin Candle before he pauses and says that its not worth playing games anymore, and that if you’re watching this you already know that his name is Pierre Chang. There is a baby crying in the background, Chang get gets up and yells for Lara (wife?) to take him outside. He says that he only has one chance at ‘this’.

He explains that he was brought to the island many years ago and has been working on a number of experiments, during his explanation the image breaks up and there is a lot of static and the sound is lost briefly. There is a random image flashed during the static (the third image below) not sure its relevant or not, can’t really make out what it is, might be trees, might not be?
Continue reading Will the real Marvin Candle please stand up →

Promo Postcards

January 1st, 2009 - Comments Off on Promo Postcards

Happy new year everyone, it has been a couple of weeks since I’ve posted anything here, so this is just to hold you over while I try and finish a couple of posts (on the Pierre Chang video and the latest promos) I’ve got in the works. Hopefully I can get them out in the next week or so.

These postcards popped up on the ABC website a bit over a week ago, not sure if they reveal anything of great interest, I’ll leave you to draw your own conclusions. It is worth noting that “Ajira Airways” is shown in a couple of them. There has also been some new info around Ajira popup in the past couple of days which I’d like to find time to write up before the premiere.

More Season 5 Promos

December 7th, 2008 - Comments Off on More Season 5 Promos

Over the past couple of weeks there have been several shorter promos for season 5 each of which included a little bit of new footage which we had not seen previously. So what new snipits have been uncovered, keep reading to find out.

First Promo (click to view)

While its not a new shot, just one I hadn’t screencapped in the previous promos, we again see Charlotte with her nose bleeding, possibly related to why she’s no longer listed as one of the primary cast. We also see Desmond telling Penny that everyone of the island is in danger. We hear (but don’t see) Jack saying that they need to protect the people that they left behind, and Hurley saying “people are trying to kill us”. Sayid and Hurley arrive at an apartment building in the same 4WD seen in the last promo. Alpert is telling Locke that “the only way to save the island is to get your people back here”. Desmond running off, with Penny asking his where he’s going. And lastly another look at the explosion that looks like its going to wipe out a couple of the background losties.

Second Promo (click to view)

Nothing too much in this next promo, just another couple of shots of Locke falling.

Third Promo (click to view)

A couple of very interesting bits in this third promo. We hear Dan say “I know what’s happening”, right before we see Ethan emerge from the bushes pointing a gun at Locke. There someones clock that flips over to 8:15, and a mystery baby being held by someone who may be wearing Dharma clothes. There is also another angle of Locke’s fall. Sawyer screaming “run” (probably as the flaming arrows start falling from the sky).

We get a slightly extended view of the explosion we’ve already seen in the other promos. We then see Sawyer again trying to get in a door… looks a little like the external door to the Swan hatch, but that can’t be possible, right? The last shot is of Juliet and Sawyer who are shielding their eyes from possibly another “discharge”. Initially I thought this might have just been the footage of them on the beach from when Ben moved the island, but looking at the background it definitely seems to be night time (which it wasn’t when the island was moved.)
Continue reading More Season 5 Promos →