Previously on Lost
Season 5, Episode 1 and 2

So when is the Island?

January 25th, 2009 - Comments Off on So when is the Island?

This isn’t a full recap of the premiere, just a look at what on earth the island is doing, but before I begin if you haven’t watched both episodes from the season 5 premiere then stop reading now and come back after you have, I don’t want to be responsible for spoiling anything for you.

At the end of season 4 Ben turned the ‘donkey wheel’ and moved the island, to those aboard the helicopter it was simply there one moment and gone the next leaving them no option but to put the chopper down into the ocean, for Ben it resulted in him being transported from January 2005 on the Island to the middle of a Tunisian desert… in October 2005. But for those on the island the consequences appear to have been a little more severe.

As the bright light and loud noises dissipated Sawyer, Juliet and co found themselves still on the island but in a time before Flight 815 had crashed, the result being that they no longer had any of their shelter, food or other supplies that they’d been keeping at the beach. Sawyer points out to Juliet that the burning wreck of the freighter that they could see previously has now vanished. Dan arrives back at the island in the Zodiac, which he was on along with several other losties during the move and was brought along for the ride. He mentions something about “being inside the radius”, obviously both the freighter and the helicopter were outside this radius.

The ‘Island 5’TM (Sawyer, Juliet, Dan, Charlotte and Miles) head off to the hatch, on the way there the Dan explains that the Island is like a skipping record, and that they might have been dislodged from time. Before they get to the hatch the island ‘skips’ again, and when they arrive they find the hatch already imploded, in other words they’ve jumped forward again, but they don’t know how far. While standing looking over the imploded ruins of the hatch the island ‘skips’ again, taking them back again to a time before the hatch was found.
Continue reading So when is the Island? →

Dharma Initiative Volunteer Assessment

November 19th, 2008 - Comments Off on Dharma Initiative Volunteer Assessment

So despite saying that the ARG would continue on December 19, it appears to have started up again a month early. The latest email says that individual dossiers for each participant can now be downloaded from the “Dharma wants you” website. The ‘dossier’ is just a two page pdf, first page is a certificate saying you’ve completed the program, and the second page is your results from the tests (I actually did much better in some than I thought). In the email Hans Van Eeghen also announces that due to the world financial crisis all the higher level Dharma representatives have “gone missing”, causing them to “abandon their ambitious plans”. As a result they’ve “sold the Dharma Initiative to the television show LOST” (I’m sorry, but thats just lame…). He goes on to say that exec producers Lindelof and Cuse will be in contact with their future plans for the Dharma Initiative… Maybe they’ll tell us why this years ARG sucked so hard.

Seventh Dharma Initiative Test

October 22nd, 2008 - Comments Off on Seventh Dharma Initiative Test

So I neglected posting about the seventh and final test from a few weeks ago, but since several people have arrived at this site looking for the info I thought I should oblige and post it. The test was titled the “Honesty and Integrity Test”, and in reality it wasn’t a test at all. As those following along with the previous tests probably know there were a number of “cheats” revealed to make solving the tests easier.
Continue reading Seventh Dharma Initiative Test →

Sixth Dharma Initiative Test

September 27th, 2008 - Comments Off on Sixth Dharma Initiative Test

Another test was released earlier in the week, again its just a series of 10 multiple choice questions. A ‘cheat’ was found early on, which allows you to get every question correct, and I’ll be honest if I didn’t use the cheat I think I might have only got one out of ten right. You can find out more about the quiz and the cheat here. Its also been announced that the “volunteer testing” ends October 7… maybe then they might feed us something more interesting than multiple choice tests.

Fifth Dharma Initiative Test

September 21st, 2008 - Comments Off on Fifth Dharma Initiative Test

Titled “Numeric Projection Evaluation” it was just a series of number sequences which you had to complete. The majority of them were really simple, like 1,3,5,7,?. There were a couple I had no idea how to work out, so I skipped them thinking I’d get a second look at them. Nope. Since the test was timed there was no real chance to google the answers either. Not that it matters. Kind of over the tests, I want something more interesting.

Fourth Dharma Initiative Test

September 11th, 2008 - Comments Off on Fourth Dharma Initiative Test

Another 10 multiple choice questions, this time more like the sort of questions you might expect in an IQ test. I don’t know if the questions are random or not, might take it again to see if I get different questions. There was also a video which mentioned that we are about half way through the “volunteer assessment program”, and according to Lostpedia there will be 8 tests in total. Not sure what happens after that, but hopefully something interesting.

Third Dharma Initiative Test

September 6th, 2008 - Comments Off on Third Dharma Initiative Test

Referred to as the “Dexterity and Attentiveness Evaluation” the third test involves moving a Dharma logo around on the screen to avoid colliding with four spheres that are moving around on the screen. The longer it goes on the faster they move and even with the cheat/glitch that was found to allow you to change the position of the logo to quickly avoid collisions, I still haven’t managed to get to 100 (the maximum score). I probably just need more sleep.

Second Dharma Initiative Test

August 28th, 2008 - Comments Off on Second Dharma Initiative Test

Just took the second ‘test’ in this year’s ARG. This one was just a series of 10 multiple choice questions (apparently random). The quiz was timed, and they don’t let you know how well you do in the test either. With the aid of Google you could probably get all 10 correct, but since it was being timed I couldn’t be bothered searching for the answers and made some educated guesses instead. Favourite question was the last one I received, “The answer to this question is:” A: A, B: B, C: C or D: D. Quizzes are fun and all but I’m looking for something a little more interesting.

First Dharma Initiative Test

August 23rd, 2008 - Comments Off on First Dharma Initiative Test

It only took me a week to get the “test” to actually load (its all in Flash, which is ‘obviously’ the problem). It was a simple tangram-style puzzle, with a selections of piuece you had to fit together to complete a square. not all pieces had to be used, and you had 100 seconds to complete it. You get one point for every second remaining when you complete it, they haven’t said what the points mean, if anything. Its definitely a slow start to this years ARG, much unlike last years Find 815 one.