Previously on Lost
Season 5

A closer look at the second Season 5 Lost promo

November 23rd, 2008 - Comments Off on A closer look at the second Season 5 Lost promo

The second full length promo for season 5 was released a couple of days ago during Grey’s Anatomy, and a little alter it was also made available online. The promo is a joint venture of sorts between “The Fray” and ABC, and is being used to promote both Lost and The Fray’s new single “You found me”. While some of the scenes shown were also in the first promo, there is still a bunch of new stuff to go over. The full video is attached so you can check it out at your leisure.

First of the ‘new’ bits is Hurley sitting at a table, probably in the house that we’ve already seen in his flash forwards. There is a quick shot of Kate holding Aaron. We get a close up of Locke’s eye, which zooms out to show him flat on his back (not sure if this is new or not). We get another angle of Faraday’s confrontation with the person in the hazmat suit, this time more from the perspective of the person in the suit.

We see Sayid and Jack having a fight, and Sayid appears to have a n oxygen mask around his neck, so this could possible take place after the scene of Hurley helping Sayid out from the last promo, which itself is possibly connect to some of the other shots in this promo. After a few flashes of Desmond (who wasn’t in the first promo), we see a couple of the losties still on the island (is it Scott or Steve?), and Miles notices a bomb which appears to be attached to a trip wire (the type of traps that Rousseau used), theres and explosion and Miles dives away. Could this be the end of Scott/Steve (which ever one isn’t dead). Just before the explosion there is also the first flash of the “Ajira Airways” logo on the screen.

Continue reading A closer look at the second Season 5 Lost promo →

Season 5

Screenshots and Theories from the Season 5 Promo

October 30th, 2008 - Comments Off on Screenshots and Theories from the Season 5 Promo

I’m trying really hard to make sure I don’t read any spoilers about season 5. Last year while waiting for season 4 to begin it got the better of me and I thought I’d just read a few bits. One of those ‘bits’ was who the Oceanic Six were, although the spoilers I read said that Jin was one of the six, another ‘bit’ was that Aaron was off the island and being cared for by Kate who was treating him as her own. Both were things that I’d rather have found out by just watching.

So since all we’ve got so far is the 40 seconds or so from the second half of the season 5 promo, I’m going to start theorising. Why? Because I can. Below are a selection of the more interesting shots from the promo, click each to view them full-size. Also I’d say that most of these are from the first couple of episodes since they’ve only shot the first half a dozen or so.

First shot is the Dharma logo that flashes up a couple of time around the middle of the promo. Then there’s Locke on the ground with somebody pointing a gun at him. Locke certainly looks surprised, not sure who its is though, perhaps one of the Others, or perhaps someone else, we don’t know “when” the island is. Juliet looks like she’s discovered a hatch very similar to the Swan hatch that Locke and Boone found way back when. Since the Swan blew up, its probably not it, but another station. Or again it could be a case of “when” not “where”.

Dan is in a cave, and he’s got a Dharma safety hat on. Could he possibly be underneath the Orchid station where the “donkey wheel” is/was. Locke, it either night or he’s inside, maybe being held captive by whoever was pointing that gun at him. Alpert with a flaming torch, I hope we find out some more about Alpert and his apparent immortality. Someone with a compass, Locke had a compass at one point so it could be him, trying to find Jacob maybe. Hurley with a gun.

Looks like Hurley and Sayid pay someone a visit. Sayid kicks ass, Hurley cheers him on. My (probably way off the mark) theory is that they’ve gone to get Des. Why? Continue reading Screenshots and Theories from the Season 5 Promo →