Orientation Film 354

More Season 5 Promos

December 7th, 2008 / Dean

Over the past couple of weeks there have been several shorter promos for season 5 each of which included a little bit of new footage which we had not seen previously. So what new snipits have been uncovered, keep reading to find out.

First Promo (click to view)

While its not a new shot, just one I hadn’t screencapped in the previous promos, we again see Charlotte with her nose bleeding, possibly related to why she’s no longer listed as one of the primary cast. We also see Desmond telling Penny that everyone of the island is in danger. We hear (but don’t see) Jack saying that they need to protect the people that they left behind, and Hurley saying “people are trying to kill us”. Sayid and Hurley arrive at an apartment building in the same 4WD seen in the last promo. Alpert is telling Locke that “the only way to save the island is to get your people back here”. Desmond running off, with Penny asking his where he’s going. And lastly another look at the explosion that looks like its going to wipe out a couple of the background losties.

Second Promo (click to view)

Nothing too much in this next promo, just another couple of shots of Locke falling.

Third Promo (click to view)

A couple of very interesting bits in this third promo. We hear Dan say “I know what’s happening”, right before we see Ethan emerge from the bushes pointing a gun at Locke. There someones clock that flips over to 8:15, and a mystery baby being held by someone who may be wearing Dharma clothes. There is also another angle of Locke’s fall. Sawyer screaming “run” (probably as the flaming arrows start falling from the sky).

We get a slightly extended view of the explosion we’ve already seen in the other promos. We then see Sawyer again trying to get in a door… looks a little like the external door to the Swan hatch, but that can’t be possible, right? The last shot is of Juliet and Sawyer who are shielding their eyes from possibly another “discharge”. Initially I thought this might have just been the footage of them on the beach from when Ben moved the island, but looking at the background it definitely seems to be night time (which it wasn’t when the island was moved.)

Fourth Promo (click to view)

The only new bit of interesting this promo is Sun talking to Jack, she tells him “you did what you had to do, we probably all would have died instead of just my husband”. Its not clear when this conversation takes place, but it could possibly be after Locke/Bentham’s death meangin she’s had time to forgive Jack

With still 6 weeks left until the premiere, theres bound to be several more promos, plus the sneak peaks that are being provided by “Dharma Special Access”, which replaced this years ARG which was ended early.

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